Oosterveldsingel 30, 7558 PK Hengelo (NL)
+ 31 (0)74 250 8931
Website update: 13 februari 2025

TMI Group

TMI Group: active worldwide, anchored in the Twente region’s soil

TMI Group is an acronym for Tanke Metal Industry. The company derived its name from owner Matthieu Tanke, a well respected and highly experienced entrepreneur in Twente’s metal industry.
By integrating three individual companies – OTR Techniek, Knobbe Metaalindustrie and TB Steelsupply, each a recognised name in the market – a new company emerged in 2017, keen to supply the entire chain. In 2020, the company Lasto Stainless Steel was also added to the TMI Group.
The total number of employees at the TMI Group is 50 as a result of this takeover.
The company has four operating units: TMI Machining, TMI Steel Supply, TMI Platform Systems and TMI Lasto.

Why choosing TMI Group?

  • Clients have us down as the ultimate address for single products, as well as smaller and larger series, entirely finished to spec.
  • We produce everything, from small parts to entire components.
  • You will be collaborating with a market leader; a company which fully intends to maintain its lead, whether in the Netherlands, within Europe or in a worldwide context.
  • We are firmly anchored to the ‘metal province’ of Twente. That means a no nonsense attitude, backed by a combination of superior expertise and hard work.
  • We can also take care of your storage and distribution requirements if required.

Investing in opportunities: in talent and our machine park

As most people well know, our machine park benefits from state-of-the-art equipment. But we never remain static, we continue to invest in every possible improvement. New machines, faster machines, machines that can produce in greater numbers. As market leader we are committed to continue fulfilling our aspiration to stay well ahead of the pack. We invest in this with pleasure – and you as a client will of course reap the optimal rewards of our ambitions.

We employ a team of around thirty highly trained professional staff. Our team is offered every opportunity to keep their skills well honed and current, as developments in our field of expertise tend to progress exponentially. We also take pleasure in making way for new talent and ideas. The metal sector is always on the lookout for budding talent and as a market leader we seek to attract and retain the cream of the crop. That means of course people who can offer all the appropriate levels of education and training, but most of all we are always interested in people who express a keen interest in working for us; simply because we are a great company, making outstanding quality products.
So we enjoy investing in this – and as a client you will of course be the immediate beneficiary.

Machine park and professionals also need excellent automation, so wherever and whenever we can, we are dedicated to investing in this. And again, you as a client will be the first to feel the benefit!