Oosterveldsingel 30, 7558 PK Hengelo (NL)
+ 31 (0)74 250 8931
Website update: 13 februari 2025

Sheet metal forming and construction work

Sheet metal forming and construction work

From cap beams to U-profiles, square pipes to circular tubes; we can supply all your specific sheet metal work. Our versatile machine park and expert staff’s knowledge can quickly turn your 2D plates into your desired 3D forms.

Various techniques

We ensure that the material’s inherent properties of strength are retained as far as possible by working it in various ways:

  • Cutting
  • Squaring
  • Bending
  • Welding

We can prevent ripping or tearing the material by using various methods and techniques.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like to know more about our sheet metal working and construction.

Rolling and welding sheet metal

We also keep a keen eye on the costs when working your material. The fewer welds your plate work requires the more economical the end product will be. To this end we calculate in advance how best to bend or square the material. And in the final electric arc welding phase we will determine what is required or possible.
In close consultation with you we can opt for rapid smelting by MAG or MIG welding, but with the possibility it will remain visible on the finished surface, or we can opt for the highest possible welding quality: TIG welding. The trade off however is that TIG welding does reduce production speeds.

There is also the option of using a combination of MAG, MIG and TIG welding.

Our machine park: prepared for all your construction requirements

We can work most materials with our machines, from stainless steel to aluminium. Other, lesser common, materials can also be formed to your desired shape.

Need after treatment? No problem!

If your product needs a particular after treatment then we can also arrange this for you in our one-stop-shop. We can take care of surface treatment or finishing in-house, or arrange for this to be done at one of our reliable partners whom we have been collaborating with for many years. So you really can call us your universal supplier.